This is a reel I edited for a DP, Corey Wascinski. It contains footage from the show I worked on with him, Doomsday Preppers, and various documentaries he shot about boxing, Iraq and the Mexican border

Shorty’s Dream Shop on Motortrend is a show where restoring classic cars is more than just a job. Shorty and his crew of talented mechanics transform beloved cars into sleek hot rods for deserving owners, bringing the American Dream to life one build at time.


Alone on History Channel is a show where the participants have to survive as long as they can, completely isolated and alone in the wilderness. Since there's no camera crew they have to film it themselves. These samples are from the first 5 seasons.


Doomsday Preppers on National Geographic is a show that explores the sections of society who think that society's days are numbered. Whether the cause of the apocalypse is natural or manmade, the plan is always the same: be prepared for anything. The selections below each show the open from 3 seasons along with a clip of a "prepper" from that season.


Food Porn on the FYI network follows chef/restaurateur Michael Chernow find the most buzzed-about eats in America as he investigates the phenomenon of Instagram-ing food. A picture maybe worth a thousand words, but it can also be a mouthful! These are selections from various episodes and have been edited down to make them more bite-sized.

The 2020 Census wanted to spotlight the new website to younger people and raise awareness of the importance of the Census to rural residents. Below are some of the ads I edited for the Census Bureau.


Discovery by Decision Sciences is a scanner that uses muons to non-invassively inspect cargo without radiation. The video tries to explain the science and benefits of the scanner without making it too complex for an average person


Apple needed a series of internal videos, some for training on software, others on how to give a good presentation, or just company announcements to the employees. I edited and created graphics for them.


The Honor Project: Reflections on Courage by the Military Times is a nine-part series featuring some of America’s greatest living military heroes, Medal of Honor recipients, talking about the nature of bravery, and how people can exhibit in their daily lives.


The Chesapeake Wildlife Heritage is a non-profit that is dedicated to designing, building, and maintaining wildlife habitat through direct action, education, arround the Chesapeake Bay. This is one of the videos I edited for them for young audiences about bird houses for Purple Martins.